Backyard birding during a lockdown

In Aotearoa, we’re all in a lockdown where we can’t leave our homes until April 23rd at the earliest. This is to try and eliminate the spread COVID-19, a particularly shitty coronavirus that’s spread around the entire planet and is infecting thousands. It’s pretty grim.

Fortunately, most of us are clever kiwis and we’re following the government’s instructions to stay the f at home. Being confined to our houses, and backyards - if we’re lucky enough to have them, is a new experience for many. This does give us a great opportunity to pay much closer attention to what wildlife visits our gardens though, and I’ve been fixing my attention on birds. Shocking, I know.

Here are a bunch of shots I’ve managed to take over the past few days. It‘s awesome to have had so many native species pay a visit, and a couple of introduced species too. Granted, I’m particularly fortunate to be living fairly close to Zealandia Ecosanctuary, so many of these native species are pretty widespread in Wellington these days. However, I really encourage everyone to spend some time outside, and actually notice what you see. You may be able to get that nature fix we’re all craving, without needing to leave the house. Good stuff.