How to create a lizard garden

Creating a garden for native mokomoko is an excellent way to help protect our indigenous biodiversity, it’s fun, and can be hugely rewarding. Making a dedicated safe spot for mokomoko (lizards) in your garden is surprisingly simple and inexpensive. To get started, all it requires is a sunny, undisturbed part of your garden, and a few specific items to kick things off. Here’s a blog all about how I created my own ‘Mokomoko Manor’, and how it’s now home to multiple native skinks living their best lives in the Kāpiti sunshine.

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The magic of Piopiotahi - Milford Sound

In late February, I found out that I’d been offered a True Young Explorer scholarship position from Heritage Expeditions on their ‘Unseen Fiordland, Stewart Island, and The Snares’ cruise. I was BEYOND stoked. I had two weeks’ notice to apply for leave from work, get my gear sorted, and mentally prepare myself for getting way out of my comfort zone.

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Backyard birding during a lockdown

In Aotearoa, we’re all in a lockdown where we can’t leave our homes until April 23rd at the earliest. This is to try and eliminate the spread COVID-19, a particularly shitty coronavirus that’s spread around the entire planet and is infecting thousands. It’s pretty grim.

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Cook Strait Pelagic Trip - 01 Feb 2020

I’ve never seen so many seabirds in my life! So many, in fact, that I doubt I will accurately be able to name all of the different species. For many of these species, it was the first time I’d laid my eyes on them. A real highlight was seeing perhaps a hundred Salvin’s and white-capped mollymawks. There were so many that I didn’t actually know where to point my camera, which is an excellent problem to have as a wildlife photographer.

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