Holly Henderson Photography

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Penguin Place, Dunedin - April 2019

In April 2019 I headed to Ōtepoti Dunedin and visited Penguin Place, an awesome conservation project dedicated to protecting the critically endangered hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin). The landscape of the place is stunning, and being heavily replanted with native fauna.

Watching hoiho return to the beach after a lengthy swim about 30km offshore is nothing short of amazing. The guides do an excellent job of ensuring everyone gets a glimpse of the iconic penguin. You become immersed in the territory of the hoiho, quietly weaving your way through tirelessly dug trenches with narrow viewing slots, designed to be non-intrusive for the penguins. This allows the hoiho to move through their habitat undisturbed.

I highly worth paying a visit here if you’re the slightest bit interested in our native wildlife and conservation. Penguin Place is located out on the Otago Peninsula, a scenic drive that by itself is well worth doing too.